This week's featured title is...
With Not a Spoken Word by Terry Fowler
HP 962
"My parents are dead."
Arianna Kent's last spoken words were heard by a 911 operator. Now in hiding, Ari and her brother Simon must process their grief and the fear of the killer on the loose. But since her traumatic discovery of the murder, Ari has not been able to speak.
As a psychiatrist, Mitch Ellis is intrigued with Ari's condition. When the opportunity arises for him to help on her security detail, he takes it; though not to analyze her, but because he personally understands her loss.
Details begin to emerge, but they only cause more confusion. When Ari learns the board of the family business plans to place someone other than her as CEO, she must return to the scene of the crime.
Can Mitch protect Ari when his own secrets are revealed? Can Ari forgive yet another betrayal from a person she loves? Only God can untangle the mess they're in, but will they let Him?
Book Excerpt
Stranger alert.
Arianna fumbled around on the table until she located one of the many whistles they owned underneath her napkin. They had rehearsed his plan numerous times, never expecting to carry it out. She sucked in a deep breath and issued the shrill warning that quickly brought Simon to his feet.
The seven-year-old stood there looking like David coming up against Goliath. Ari considered his options, wondering if he could make it to the stairs before the intruder came too close.
Where was Tom? Had this man overpowered him elsewhere on the property? Ari ran to the door and banged on the glass. Nana hurried over. She pointed, and the woman picked up the phone. Ari started down the stairs, praying God would deliver them safely from this man.
Noting the commotion, the stranger drew a halt. He lifted his hands and yelled, "I'm with Bishop Security!"
Key Verse
Fear of man will prove to be snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe. Proverbs 29:25 NIV
About the Author Terry Fowler makes her home in North Carolina where she works for the city of Wilmington. The second oldest of five children, she shares a home with her best friend, who is also her sister. Besides writing, her interests include genealogical research through the Internet and serving her small church in various activities.
Question of the Day
What have you done to keep cool in this hot weather?