This week's featured title is...
Yankee Heart by Jennifer A. Davids
HP 960
Katherine doesn't fit in the North or South.
Katherine Wallace has come north to escape her family's shunning due to her opposing slavery. But as a Southerner, she finds no welcome in Ohio except from a returning Yankee soldier.
Daniel Kirby arrives home after General Lee's surrender at Appomattox, weary from all the death and destruction of war. He longs to return to teaching at a university but feels a pull to remain with his family's farm and to be near the captivating Southern young lady staying with his aunt.
As Daniel and Katherine begin to fall in love, neighbors attempt to force Katherine to return South, while others plot to steal the Kirby farm. Midst the tumultuous aftermath of war, will Daniel and Katherine allow God to heal their hearts and bind them together as one?
Book Excerpt"Are you Miss Katherine Wallace?"
Her eyes remained wide as she nodded. "How did you know...?"
He gave her an apologetic smile as he removed his hat. "My aunt mentioned you in her letter. I'm very sorry I frightened you."
"That's quite all right, Major Kirby. I'm...very glad you're home safe. Mary's...been so terribly worried."
He frowned and regretted he hadn't at least sent them a telegram before he left. "I'm afraid I received Aunt Mary's letter right as the siege at Petersburg ended. There was very little time to do anything. Then General Lee surrendered..."
"Of course! I...I understand perfectly, Major Kirby." Although her voice shook, it was gentle and reassuring. "And I'm sure Mary will as well."
Daniel looked at her curiously. She had to be one of the very few daughters of the Confederacy he had met who had not instantly hated him on sight. A Southern woman's zeal for the cause was almost legendary. He had been spit on, snubbed, and bad-mouthed a number of times. And unlike other young ladies he'd met, Northern or Southern, she made no attempt to flirt with him. In fact, judging by the way she stumbled over her words, she seemed painfully shy.
Key Verse"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding." Proverbs 3:5
About the AuthorJennifer A. Davids has lived in Ohio all her life and her family are long-term residents of the state. Her mother's side of the family is from Central and Southern Ohio and her father has traced his side of the family tree back to the early eighteen hundreds. She is a graduate of The Ohio State University and feels blessed to have been called to a life of writing for the Lord. She lives in Central Ohio with her husband and two children and sings on the praise team at church. If she's not writing, she's reading, crafting, or watching a favorite movie or TV show - usually in that order!
Question of the DayHow far back can you trace your family tree?