Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day Two With Shannon Taylor Vannatter!

2010 was a dream come true. For nine and a half years, I dreamed of publication with Heartsong Presents. Last year, Heartsong published my first book, I wrote two more for the line, and held my first real, traditionally published book in my hands.

Today, I'm counting a few blessings:

The people of Romance, Rose Bud and White County Arkansas, where the books are set, adopted me and really embraced my books. I had my launch party at the Romance Waterfalls and was invited to the 30th Romance Reunion. The Rambler Cafe let me have a book signing there.

I saw my books on store shelves and met really great readers like mother and daughter Martha Overby and Sarah Crouse.

I signed books next to Cara Putnam and Mary Connealy at the ACFW Conference in Indianapolis.

2011 kicked off with a bang and another dream realized: seeing my name in the 18th Annual Heartsong Awards. Thanks readers!
I have more signings scheduled, but this leg of the journey is almost over. I'm kind of sad to see this series end. But then I think of all the new characters and worlds I get to create. Writers get paid to daydream. God has richly blessed me with more than I could dream of.

What's the dream you hold close to your heart? Has God fulfilled a dream for you lately?


  1. Shannon, your hard work has paid off! I'm so happy for you and for how your books have done so well. When I remember how long it took you to get your foot into the right door, I chide myself for getting grumpy about my own wait. You did good girl.

  2. I am always sad when a series ends too. I miss the characters! God fulfills lots of my dreams - I just have to remember to truly let go and have patience. He knows the best timing!

  3. Thanks Dawn! I sincerely hope your writing journey is shorter and less twisty than mine.

    Hey Kim, patience is the key. And I don't have any. I think that's why God made a writer. He keeps trying to teach me.

  4. Hope to meet you ~one day~ at a book signing! Meanwhile, I will enjoy your great keep up the great writing!!!
