Thursday, March 24, 2011

From the Vault...

This week's title from the vault is:
Carousel Dreams by Paige Winship Dooly
HP 820

Ellie is furious.

When Ellie discovers her recently deceased grandfather spent his entire life savings to purchase a carousel for their Great Salt lake resort, she feels cheated. And she's not afraid to give a piece of her mind to the scoundrel who arrives to build the carousel.

Bascom Anthony is back on the job. After a staged fired killed his wife and son two years ago, he had yet to build another carousel - until now. Time has mended Bascom's heart, but it has not ended the stalker's threats. The longer Bascom stays to finish his job, the more damaging events occurs at Ellie's resort.

Can Ellie's new found faith help her overcome her distrust of Bascom? And can Bascom trust the Lord to protect Ellie and her daughter from the same fate that claimed his wife and son?

Carousels and resorts are reminders of summer. What are some things that remind you of summer?


  1. The smell of sunscreen. The sound of a sprinkler on the lawn, birds waking me up in the morning.

    I love summer!

  2. Sunshine, flowers, the twitter of birds and waves crashing on the shore!

  3. Birdsong; fresh mowed grass; sunshine! I love summer if it does not get so awful hot!!!!

  4. The sound of lawn mowers, squeal of grandgirl playing in the water sprinklers and I love my wild birds! Their songs are the sweetiest. Well, next to the grandgirls of course :)
