Tuesday, May 18, 2010

An Excerpt From Clara and the Cowboy

“Alec?” His name came out a whisper on her lips. She was like one of those sirens of myth, calling to him, beckoning him to his destruction.
He couldn’t bear it anymore. She was so dear, and so close. His hands stole upward to her shoulders, and his head inclined toward hers. Her lips were only a breath away. His eyes closed.
“’Scuse me.”
Alec jumped back, dropping his arms from about her. He whipped his head around, heart thundering. Angus McConnell. Dear old dad. Alec didn’t know whether to punch him for barging in at such a moment, or thank him for keeping Alec from making a complete fool of himself.

Psalm 51:17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, Thou wilt not despise.”

Are you willing to share a time someone interrupted a special moment and how you felt, or perhaps, a time you made a complete fool of yourself?


  1. I wrote the question, and it's hard. :-) I cannot recall a time when a special or tender moment was interrupted. I can remember a time when I felt foolish, but it had nothing to do with romance. I felt nervous many years ago in a situation at work that involved the top people, I, Miss Graceful, dropped a huge stack of papers that went everywhere. My face is red remembering...

  2. Made a fool of myself? Too many times to count! LOL

    This is a tough question to answer in a blog comment box...I remember the first time I held hands with my boyfriend (whom I am married to today.) We were at my parent's house, and the dog, who was sititng beside the couch, started barking. My dad hollared from another room, "Hey, what're you kids doing in there?"

    LOL "Nothing!"

    Dumb dog.
